Saturday, June 18, 2011

Definition Of Words

In English class, we were reading a book called 'Three Cup of Tea'.  Our teacher told us to find five words that I don't understand, here are the five words:
  • Slabs - it means a very flat thick piece of stone.  Slabs is describing the stone.
  • Burgundy - it is actually a place in France.  Does not really have a meaning because it is a place. 
  • Tarnished - it means something that is silver and it comes from a very old place.
  • Smoldering - it means that you are smoking but burning slowly with it but using no flame.
  • Gasoline - It does not have a meaning but it a type of fuel that maybe you will use for cars. 
Tarnished                                                          Smoldering                               Gasoline


I can't Find the picture of Burgundy.  These are the words that I don't understand, Hope the definition help you learn something.  Check the dictionary for the words that you don't know.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Eva And The Two Cheeky Monkeys

    In ICT we all have to work  in groups of two to create a comic in comic life it can be about anything that is suitable for students to read, we all made some very interesting comics.  Our comic is about Eva and the two cheeky monkeys.  It talks about Eva going to a magic school and she meet the two cheeky monkeys, the monkeys always make fun of her.  At last she found something on the floor then and she ate it, suddenly she became a monkey too.  Hope you will like our comic!


    Tuesday, March 1, 2011


    In this lesson we talked about the internet, the video below is an example of how the internet works.  We took some notes about the internet and there are different examples:

    1)There are different process for the internet to work: Packet switching, Network of Network, TCP/ IP.  
    In School there are lots of networks and the internet connect  all the network together, they connected  by using the IP Address.  There are also Packets going one by one every single day they are called Packet switching, when they get to another side the computer can use it to get it work. This whole system is called Network to network. 

    2)If someone takes a photo and he wanted to put it on Facebook, he connects it to his laptop to the school sever but it turns to be connecting others networks.  He put the photo to his laptop and uploads it on to Facebook.  Then his computer  finds Facebook's IP address, which it is located on the internet.  It splits the photo into Packets and it sends onto the network.  The Packets can go anywhere but if the packets gets lots or a network link goes down the TCP will find an different way or resend it packet again.  When all the packets gone there, then the photo will be finished and it will be post on Facebook.  Then that is called Network to network and they used TCP or IP.

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Comic Strip

    This is a comic strip from Snoopy, I post this comic because we are studying on comic.  There are some improtant things that you needed to know about comics:   
    • Genre: comedy, horror, war and spy.
    • Tittle: Snoopy, Spongebob Squarepants, Young Love and Lola.
    • Features: Onomatopoeia, Speech bubbles and colour.
    • Audiences: Kids, Teen and any age.
    If you wanted to learn more about comics you can also go on this website:

    Thursday, November 11, 2010


    In these few weeks, we learnt about podcast.  Podcast means a audio folder but is not a radio but you can download it on to MP3 and others.......  
    This is some step that you may cover in the future:
    1. To find a podcast it can be any thing For example: annoying orange I used someone's blog to put the podcast to a link, this is the link that I used: Click on the 'Link' to see more.

    2.Then you will see a very small sign click on it  it looks like a orange square with white  a half a circle and a small white dot in it and it called the RSS feed button.

    3.Next copy the feed link by doing command 'c' after clicking it then there will be a link this was my link:
    5. At the top left there is a thing called 'add a Subscription' click on it then paste the link that you just copy by doing command 'v', for example:

    6.After when you finished click on the 'add' button and magic comes, listen to the podcast and enjoyed it, you can keep on add lots and lots of podcast as many as you want.

    Hope these in formation helped you try and follow the steps enjoy!

    Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    Case Studies

    In these days lot of people creates blogs or go on blogs.  Blog has good things about it but it also got bad things about it, here are some example that we can avoid form it:
    -Douglas High School student, got arrested after he represented as existing issued one that is to see giving care as a possible danger in MySpace.
    -Landon has been missed class time, been subjected and his damages in excess of $100,000,” the an action said.

    Hope these points help to BE MORE CARFUL of the blog lots of people got in trouble in lot of these cases! 

    Sunday, October 24, 2010

    Last summary project

    In this Project I have learnt a lot of things.  I created a blog because we can share content with an audience. They could include of text, video, audio, links and more like works and assessments.  Inside your  blog you will see different kinds of things such as: putting label's and posting all sorts of stuff like: a welcome post.

    Here are some tips that can help you in a blog.  There are good things and bad things here are some of them good things about blogs!
    what things are the good things in the blogs:
    -People can see what you have done.
    -Can share it to other for checking work.
    -You can comment on each others blogs.
    -It will help me better with the technical stuff.
    There are also bad things about blogs:
    -If you put full name or anything that is personal information because people will find out who you are.
    -Don't write anything that is informal.
    These are the bad and good things about the blog I hope it is helpful for you!

    In a blog there will be post and sidebar:
    Sidebar-keeps thing forever.
    Post area-where you post your work.

    I also learnt a lot of things such as the means of some words:
    Embed - the steps of an object from one site into another
    Widget - the stuff being inserted  

    Putting images on the posts was also one of the thing that I learnt here are the steps of how you can put images in your own blog, first find the image that you wanted to put on the post, second drag the image on to the desktop, next on the top it said 'Link' next to the 'Link' there is a picture click on that.  Then click on the 'choose file' on the top middle, after then click on the image an click 'choose' at last click the 'add selected' finally the image that you wanted will show up.

    Sometime I also put links in my post to make people know what I am talking about and it makes it more interesting by doing that you need to have a subject on what you are talking about for example: the subject I am doing is 'Spongebob' this is the website for 'spongebob' to let people learn more about it:
    If you wanted to do something like the link here is what you do:
    1. Click on the 'LINK' on the top middle.
    2. Then it said 'To what URL should this link go?'
    3.put the website there and click on 'OK'
    4. Then the link will show up like this:

    If any of my friends or families wanted to open a blog I will help them.  After finishing this blog I felt very excited and fun because in this activity we worked together very well by helping each others and I am excited because I can't wait until what is our next project!