Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 Facts About Google

Our teacher told us to write 5 facts about google by using this website: to find more information.  These are my 5 facts about google searching:
-Everything that you type matters because id you type 'Sandwiches' it maybe shows 'sand' and 'which'.  Which as in which one is mine?
-Keep every thing you type simply.
-Putting double quotes('''') around the word or words that you wanted to search like this:['it will be much more easier.
-If you wanted to find definitions of words you can add a 'Define:' to find the definition easier.
-Add a - to less down the information like this: 'chocolate milk'-ice-cream. 

These are all of the 5 facts about google hope these things help you to search faster.  

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Wordle: wordle for school

We needed to embed wordle to our blog it was very hard at first but if you learn more.  Wordle it's quite cool because if your class teacher told you to do a reflection you can do a wordle it's easy and quite but don't always create a wordle sometimes you also needed to do some writing.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Boy recording

Few weeks ago we record our own voice and post it on the blog because we could listen to our voice to see if it was loud and clear.  We went somewhere around the school to record, I record 4 or 5 of them to see which one was the best then post it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to make Liquorice Bootlaces

Created by:Roald Dahl
Date:Sep 1st 
This is a recipe of how to make a Liquorice Bootlaces

Liquorice Bootlaces 

Ingredients & equipment :
  • 10,000 rats
  • A huge shiny steel cauldron
  • A long pole
  • Fire
  • wood
  • Cruncher
  • Boiling water
  • Wellington boots
  • steam-roller
1.Burn the wood to make fire.
2.Put all the rats in the big huge shiny steel cauldron.
3.Boil them (the rats) for few hours.
4.Then when you see bubbles appearing,use a long pole to mix it until it is thick.
5.Then use a cruncher and lower it into the cauldron to crunch the rats bones. This is called rat-mash it can also be known as “Pulpy Substance.”
6.Put on wellington boots and then climb into the cauldron.
7.Use a shovel to take out the rat-mash.
8.Steamroll the rat-mash to make it flat.
9.It should now look like a big black carpet, let it cool down and harden.   
10.Cut it into strips and then is DONE!




Monday, September 6, 2010


Welcome to my blog.  My name is Angel, I am a secondary student.  Our ICT teacher Mr.Parker asked us to create a Blog.  He said we can use any title you want.  So I called my blog as Angel's school blog.  I enjoyed this activity because I never try to make a blog.  What I will post on this blog is my homework especially English, photos/picture (pictures of home works), video and others.  What I won't put on my blog is privacy information and pictures of yourself In this activity I learnt how to create a blog, how to use MacBook much more confidently!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Great Mouse Plot


I am reading one of Roald Dahl's books "Boy".  This story is about a mean , evil lady (Mrs. Pratchett) who sold candies.  Inside the candy shop there were lots of different types of candies such as Gobstopper and Liquorice Bootlaces.  Roald Dahl and his friends loved candies, almost everyday they went to the candy shop, even though Mrs.Pratchett was very mean.  One day Roald Dahl found a dead mouse.My teacher asked me What will you do to that dead mouse.

If I found a dead mouse, I would put it on the dirty floor and I would tell the inspector to come and check the candy shop's floor.  When the inspector came, I would scream as loud as I could.  I would say 'OH MY GOD THERE IS A DEAD MOUSE!'  Then when the inspector checked it, they would fire Mrs.Pratchett.  After a few days they should be hiring a new candy shop keeper.  At last, Roald Dahl would be very happy!