Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 Facts About Google

Our teacher told us to write 5 facts about google by using this website: to find more information.  These are my 5 facts about google searching:
-Everything that you type matters because id you type 'Sandwiches' it maybe shows 'sand' and 'which'.  Which as in which one is mine?
-Keep every thing you type simply.
-Putting double quotes('''') around the word or words that you wanted to search like this:['it will be much more easier.
-If you wanted to find definitions of words you can add a 'Define:' to find the definition easier.
-Add a - to less down the information like this: 'chocolate milk'-ice-cream. 

These are all of the 5 facts about google hope these things help you to search faster.  

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